Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation |
අඞ්ගුත්තර නිකාය 1
Numbered Discourses 1.140–149
11. අධම්මවග්ග
The Chapter on Not the Teaching
“යේ තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ අධම්මං අධම්මෝති දීපේන්ති තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ බහුජනහිතාය පටිපන්නා බහුජනසුඛාය, බහුනෝ ජනස්ස අත්ථාය හිතාය සුඛාය දේවමනුස්සානං. බහුඤ්ච තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ පුඤ්ඤං පසවන්ති, තේ චිමං සද්ධම්මං ඨපේන්තී”ති.
“Bhikkhus, those bhikkhus who explain what is not the teaching as not the teaching are acting for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. They make much merit and make the true teaching continue.”
“යේ තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ ධම්මං ධම්මෝති දීපේන්ති තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ බහුජනහිතාය පටිපන්නා බහුජනසුඛාය, බහුනෝ ජනස්ස අත්ථාය හිතාය සුඛාය දේවමනුස්සානං. බහුඤ්ච තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ පුඤ්ඤං පසවන්ති, තේ චිමං සද්ධම්මං ඨපේන්තී”ති.
“Bhikkhus, those bhikkhus who explain what is the teaching as the teaching are acting for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. They make much merit and make the true teaching continue.”
“යේ තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ අවිනයං අවිනයෝති දීපේන්ති …පේ… විනයං විනයෝති දීපේන්ති …පේ… අභාසිතං අලපිතං තථාගතේන අභාසිතං අලපිතං තථාගතේනාති දීපේන්ති …පේ… භාසිතං ලපිතං තථාගතේන භාසිතං ලපිතං තථාගතේනාති දීපේන්ති …පේ… අනාචිණ්ණං තථාගතේන අනාචිණ්ණං තථාගතේනාති දීපේන්ති …පේ… ආචිණ්ණං තථාගතේන ආචිණ්ණං තථාගතේනාති දීපේන්ති …පේ… අපඤ්ඤත්තං තථාගතේන අපඤ්ඤත්තං තථාගතේනාති දීපේන්ති …පේ… පඤ්ඤත්තං තථාගතේන පඤ්ඤත්තං තථාගතේනාති දීපේන්ති; තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ බහුජනහිතාය පටිපන්නා බහුජනසුඛාය, බහුනෝ ජනස්ස අත්ථාය හිතාය සුඛාය දේවමනුස්සානං. බහුඤ්ච තේ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛූ පුඤ්ඤං පසවන්ති, තේ චිමං සද්ධම්මං ඨපේන්තී”ති.
“Those bhikkhus who explain what is not found in the monastic law as not found in the monastic law … what is found in the monastic law as found in the monastic law … what was not spoken and stated by the Realized One as not spoken and stated by the Realized One … what was spoken and stated by the Realized One as spoken and stated by the Realized One … what was not practiced by the Realized One as not practiced by the Realized One … what was practiced by the Realized One as practiced by the Realized One … what was not prescribed by the Realized One as not prescribed by the Realized One … what was prescribed by the Realized One as prescribed by the Realized One … are acting for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. They make much merit and make the true teaching continue.”
අධම්මවග්ගෝ ඒකාදසමෝ.
The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]