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    Health / Medical Topics


    A tripeptidic nitrogen mustard compound and bifunctional alkylating agent with antineoplastic activity. (NCI Thesaurus)


    An arbitrary unit for the measurement of Amb a 1 (or Antigen E), a 38 kD glycoprotein that is the major allergen…
    Transient loss of vision in one eye due to retinal ischemia.
    A chimeric IgG1 monoclonal antibody against human mesothelin with potential anti-tumor activity. Amatuximab specifically targets mesothelin, a cell surface glycoprotein involved in…
    The sulfate salt of amantadine, a synthetic tricyclic amine with antiviral, antiparkinsonian, and antihyperalgesic activities. Amantadine appears to exert its antiviral effect…
    A drug used to treat infections caused by the influenza A virus. It blocks the ability of the virus to infect cells…
    A synthetic tricyclic amine with antiviral, antiparkinsonian, and antihyperalgesic activities. Amantadine appears to exert its antiviral effect against the influenza A virus…

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