Health / Medical Topics



    A drug used to treat insomnia (inability to sleep), and anxiety. It is a type of imidazopyridine (sedative hypnotic). Also called zolpidem. (NCI Dictionary)


    A yellowish-orange color.
    The tetrahydrate and chloride salt form of ambenonium, a bisquaternary ammonium alcohol with parasympathomimetic activity. The positive charge of ambenonium allows it…
    The chloride salt form of ambenonium, a quaternary ammonium compound with parasympathomimetic activity. Ambenonium chloride is a rapid indirect-acting cholinergic agonist that…
    A bisquaternary ammonium alcohol with parasympathomimetic activity. The positive charge of ambenonium allows it to act as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor by binding…
    An antiseptic agent with potential antibacterial and antileukemic activity. Although the exact mechanism of action remains to be fully elucidated, ambazone appears…
    A tripeptidic nitrogen mustard compound and bifunctional alkylating agent with antineoplastic activity.

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