Health / Medical Topics


    A labdane diterpenoid that is produced by the Andrographis paniculata plant, which has a broad range of therapeutic applications including anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet aggregation activities and potential antineoplastic properties. Since andrographolide has multiple therapeutic activities there are several proposed mechanisms of action for this agent. The anti-inflammatory effects of this agent appear to be related to the inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production by macrophages. This agent may activate the NO/cyclic GMP pathway and inhibit both the phospholipase C gamma 2 (PLC gamma2)/protein kinase C (PKC) and PI3K/AKT-MAPK signaling pathways in activated platelets to inhibit platelet aggregation. In activated platelets, these three signaling pathways are downstream of integrin activation mediated by collagen binding and influence the association of fibrinogen with its receptors. Additionally, andrographolide may exert its anti-cancer activity through the induction of cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase and the stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation and activation. These processes could result in decreased proliferation of and increased immunocytotoxicity against tumor cells. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A rare adenoma of the adrenal cortex that produces androgens. Female patients usually have symptoms related to virilism.
    Describes the ability of tumor cells to grow in the absence of androgens (hormones that promote the development and maintenance of male…
    Administration of male hormones to produce a clinical effect.
    Treatment to suppress or block the production or action of male hormones. This is done by having the testicles removed, by taking…
    Androgen response element is the target binding element for activated androgen receptor homodimer. The consensus sequence for this high-affinity androgen receptor-binding…
    Describes cells that have a protein that binds to androgens (male hormones). Cancer cells that are androgen receptor positive may need androgens…

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