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The worldwide standard for the code numbers used by computers to represent all the uppercase and lowercase Latin letters, numbers, punctuation, and other symbols. There are 128 standard ASCII codes, each of which can be represented by a 7 digit binary number: 0000000 through 1111111. (NCI Thesaurus)
A nervous tract that transmits pain, temperature, and touch sensations and position and vibratory sense to the brain.
A convolution in the temporal lobe between the interparietal sulcus and the central sulcus.
The ascending limb of the U-shaped portion of the renal tubule.
A convolution in the cerebral hemisphere between the central sulcus and the precentral sulcus.
A cortical branch of the middle cerebral artery supplying the ascending frontal convolution.
A well differentiated, low grade neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid tumor) that arises from the ascending colon. The mitotic count is less than…