A World of Knowledge


    Hourly weather forecasts for about 200,000 places from all over the world.

    Current weather updates every 10 minutes.

    The current weather around the world

    New York
    -9°C, humidity 46%; clear skies

    forecast for New York

    -1°C, humidity 42%; mostly clear skies

    forecast for Washington

    Los Angeles
    16°C, humidity 74%; overcast skies

    forecast for Los Angeles

    4°C, humidity 86%, rain showers; Cumulonimbus clouds observed; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Paris

    6°C, humidity 70%, light rain showers; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for London

    5°C, humidity 86%; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Berlin

    13°C, humidity 87%, light rain showers; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Rome

    -3°C, humidity 79%; overcast skies

    forecast for Moscow

    Rio de Janeiro
    26°C, humidity 83%; mostly cloudy skies

    forecast for Rio de Janeiro

    New Delhi
    16°C, humidity 63%, smoke

    forecast for New Delhi

    -7°C, humidity 62%

    forecast for Beijing

    24°C, humidity 83%; overcast skies

    forecast for Sydney

    Weather forecasts by country

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    Use this free, fast and powerful script to display on your website or blog the weather forecast for virtually any place in the world. »
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