Health / Medical Topics

    B Cell Proliferation

    Growth and reproduction of B-lymphocytes. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A type of white blood cell that makes antibodies. B cells are part of the immune system and develop from stem cells…
    A B-cell acute leukemia characterized by the presence of lymphoblasts that carry a translocation between the MLL gene at 11q23 and another…
    A B-cell acute leukemia characterized by the presence of lymphoblasts that carry a translocation between the BCR gene on chromosome 22 and…
    A rare B-cell acute leukemia characterized by the presence of lymphoblasts that carry a translocation between the IL3 gene on chromosome 5…
    A B-cell acute leukemia characterized by the presence of lymphoblasts that carry a translocation between the TEL gene on chromosome 12 and…
    A B-cell acute leukemia characterized by the presence of lymphoblasts that carry a translocation between the E2A gene on chromosome 19 and…

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