Health / Medical Topics


    A laboratory test or analysis of the biological activity of a substance performed by studying its effect on an organism or in a test tube under controlled conditions. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A proprietary computerized system for liquid nitrogen cryopreservation, tracking, and retrieval for stem cell samples.
    Many different peptides act as signaling molecules, including the proinflammatory peptide bradykinin, the protease enzyme thrombin, and the blood pressure regulating peptide…
    A surface-reactive glass-ceramic biomaterial that is capable of ion exchange and hydrolysis. It is useful for bone repair and bone regeneration. …
    A class of compounds found in food believed to have biological activity in the human body.
    A type of chemical found in small amounts in plants and certain foods (such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils, and whole…
    An abstract class to capture the concept of an event (either in the laboratory or a computational analysis). (caMAGE)

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