Health / Medical Topics



    A scientist who has special training in the study of the chemicals and processes that occur in all living things. (NCI Dictionary)


    A rise in the blood level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in prostate cancer patients after treatment with surgery or radiation. Biochemical relapse…
    A rise in the blood level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in prostate cancer patients after treatment with surgery or radiation. Biochemical recurrence…
    In living cells, chemical reactions that help sustain life and allow cells to grow.
    A chemical process, typically mediated by an enzyme, in which one or more substances (a substrate) are transformed by covalent modification into…
    A linked series of non-equivalent biochemical interactions and enzymatic reactions, and/or a linked series of biochemical processes.
    A branch of pharmacology that studies the biochemical mechanisms responsible for the actions of pharmacologic substances.

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