Health / Medical Topics


    BioSamples are products of treatments that are of interest. BioSamples are often used as the sources for other biosamples. The Type attribute describes the role the BioSample holds in the treatment hierarchy. This type can be an extract. (caMAGE) (NCI Thesaurus)


    The Biosafety Service Shared Resource provides technical guidance and training in biological safety issues for members of Cancer Center including biological agents…
    An embolic bead that is made from a substance that will be removed from the body over time, causing a temporary blockage…
    A facility that collects, catalogs, and stores samples of biological material, such as urine, blood, tissue, cells, DNA, RNA, and protein, from…
    Antitumor agents that are activated by biological reduction and have selective efficacy against hypoxic solid tumors.
    A process that synthesizes a material of interest using a large scale cell culture that is grown in a bioreactor.
    Tissue removed from the body and examined under a microscope to determine whether disease is present.

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