Health / Medical Topics

    Border Terrier

    The Border Terrier is small terrier with a coarse, wiry double coat and small ears, which fold forward into a "V" shape. The coat comes in red, blue and tan, tan, and grizzle and tan. Height: 11-16 inches (28-41 cm.) Weight: 11-16 pounds (5-7 kg.) (NCI Thesaurus)


    A description of the boundary configuration of a sample.
    A description of the boundary findings or features of a sample.
    The Border Collie is a medium sized dog, with a body that is slightly longer than the height and a fairly wide…
    A boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary.
    The oil extracted from the seeds of Borago officinalis. Borage oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is used in skincare preparations.
    A method for estimating properties of a dataset by measuring those properties when sampling from an approximating distribution.

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