Health / Medical Topics

    Clinical Protocol Date Closed Standard Cancer Center Information Summary

    The Clinical Protocol Date Closed, Standard Cancer Center Information Summary for Cancer Center Support Grant Application, is the date when the clinical study was closed to accrual at the reporting Cancer Center during the 12-month reporting period. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Subcategory of Lifestyle and Disease Prevention in CAM. This sub-category deals with unconventional approaches whose purpose is to screen for and prevent…
    Guidelines developed to help health care professionals and patients make decisions about screening, prevention, or treatment of a specific health condition. …
    The branch of pharmacology that studies the effectiveness and safety of drug treatment in humans.
    A defined set of diagnostic tests, treatments, and other interventions (including palliative care) for different types and stages of cancer.
    A laboratory procedure that involves the examination of blood, urine, other fluids, and stool for diagnostic or research purposes.
    A specialty in biology and medicine focusing on aspects of human parasitology that directly pertains to parasite-induced clinical conditions, including epidemiology, pathogenesis,…

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