Health / Medical Topics

    Congenital Abnormality

    Any abnormality, anatomical or biochemical, evident at birth or during the neonatal period. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Inherited disorders involving abnormalities of red blood cell function, structure, or production. Some diseases in this group may be associated with bone…
    A condition or trait present at birth. It may be the result of genetic or non-genetic factors.
    Congenic strains are produced by transferring a mutation from one genetic background to a specific inbred strain through repeated backcrossing. The congenic…
    A mental state in which one is not thinking clearly.
    Issue associated with users being unclear and not able to follow any written, printed, or graphic matter that is affixed to a…
    Polymorphism, single-stranded conformational, detection. Altered migration of single-stranded DNA molecules in non-denaturing gels based upon 3-D conformation. Uses PCR and/or restriction enzymes…

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