Health / Medical Topics


    The ability to make and maintain a connection between two or more points in a telecommunications systems. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Encoded by human PPBP Gene (Alpha Chemokine CXC Family), secreted 128-aa 14-kDa (precursor) Pro-Platelet Basic Protein is a platelet-derived growth factor that…
    A hamartoma characterized by localized malformation of one or more of the components of the dermis; presenting as clustered, slightly raised, pea-sized…
    Connective tissue growth factor protein (349 aa, ~38kDa) is encoded by the human CTGF gene. This protein plays a role in the…
    Fluids surrounding connective tissue.
    Connective tissue is the material inside your body that supports many of its parts. It is the "cellular glue" that gives your…
    A congenital or acquired disorder characterized by abnormalities in one or more of the elements of the connective tissues.

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