A World of Knowledge
    Health / Medical Topics


    A notation or direction at one place (as in a book or filing system) to pertinent information at another place. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A type of immunoprecipitation protocol that employs UV-light induced covalent cross-linking of molecules (for instance protein and RNA) prior to the immunoprecipitation…
    A statistical measure timing the movements and proximity of alignment between two different information sets of a series of information. A function…
    A statistical method of partitioning a sample of data into subsets such that the analysis is initially performed on a single subset,…
    Issue associated with the degree to which an antibody or antigen participates in cross reactions.
    A molecular interaction between a ligand molecule and a receptor molecule, where the ligand and receptor are not conventional partners. This interaction…
    Any covalent linkage between two polymers or between two different regions of the same polymer.

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