Health / Medical Topics

    CRYPTIC Protein

    This protein is a member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)- Cripto, Frl-1, and Cryptic (CFC) family. EGF-CFC family member proteins share a variant EGF-like motif, a conserved cysteine-rich domain, and a C-terminal hydrophobic region. These proteins play key roles in intercellular signaling pathways during vertebrate embryogenesis. Mutations in this gene can cause autosomal visceral heterotaxy. This protein is involved in left-right asymmetric morphogenesis during organ development. (NCI Thesaurus/LocusLink)


    The tube-like glands in the mucosal lining of the small and large intestines which secrete various enzymes that aid in digestion. …
    The lumen of the glandular structures of a crypt.
    Epithelial cell lining of a crypt.
    Accumulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the mucosal crypts of the colon. It occurs in ulcerative colitis.
    A pitlike depression or tubular recess.
    A vial used to store specimens in a cryopreservative at very low temperatures.

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