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Occurring in or belonging to the present time. (NCI Thesaurus)

The Curly-Coated Retriever is a large, athletic retriever with a distinctive crisp curly coat. The thick black or liver-colored coat of tight…

A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentration defined as a concentration of a radionuclide with an activity equal to one curie per unit…

A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equal to activity of one Curie of the sample with total mass of one…

A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentration defined as a concentration of a radionuclide with an activity equal to one curie per unit…

A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equal to activity of one Curie of the sample with total mass of one…

A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentration defined as a concentration of a radionuclide with an activity equal to one curie per unit…