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The divisor of a fraction. (NCI Thesaurus)
In religion, describes a group whose members are organized under a common name and set of rules and have common beliefs and…
A country in northern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, consisting of a peninsula on the north coast of…
A drug used to treat cutaneous T-cell lymphoma that can bind the cytokine IL-2 and that has not responded to other…
The hydrochloride salt of denibulin, a small molecular vascular disrupting agent, with potential antimitotic and antineoplastic activities. Denibulin selectively targets and reversibly…
A small molecular vascular disrupting agent (VDA), with potential antimitotic and antineoplastic activities. Denibulin selectively targets and reversibly binds to the colchicine-binding…
In psychiatry, a state in which a person is unable or unwilling to see the truth or reality about an issue or…