A World of Knowledge
    Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation

    अङ्गुत्तर निकाय ४।९३

    Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.93

    Numbered Discourses 4.93

    १०। असुरवग्ग

    10. Asuravagga

    10. Demons



    Immersion (2nd)

    “चत्तारोमे, भिक्खवे, पुग्गला सन्तो संविज्जमाना लोकस्मिं। कतमे चत्तारो?

    “Cattārome, bhikkhave, puggalā santo saṁvijjamānā lokasmiṁ. Katame cattāro?

    “Bhikkhus, these four people are found in the world. What four?

      इध, भिक्खवे, एकच्चो पुग्गलो लाभी होति अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स, न लाभी अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय।

      Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo lābhī hoti ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa, na lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya.

      One person has internal serenity of heart, but not the higher wisdom of discernment of principles.

    इध पन, भिक्खवे, एकच्चो पुग्गलो लाभी होति अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय, न लाभी अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स।

    Idha pana, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo lābhī hoti adhipaññādhammavipassanāya, na lābhī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa.

    One person has the higher wisdom of discernment of principles, but not internal serenity of heart.

    इध पन, भिक्खवे, एकच्चो पुग्गलो न चेव लाभी होति अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स न च लाभी अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय।

    Idha pana, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo na ceva lābhī hoti ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa na ca lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya.

    One person has neither internal serenity of heart, nor the higher wisdom of discernment of principles.

    इध पन, भिक्खवे, एकच्चो पुग्गलो लाभी चेव होति अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स लाभी च अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय।

    Idha pana, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo lābhī ceva hoti ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa lābhī ca adhipaññādhammavipassanāya.

    One person has both internal serenity of heart, and the higher wisdom of discernment of principles.

    तत्र, भिक्खवे, य्वायं पुग्गलो लाभी होति अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स न लाभी अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय, तेन, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलेन अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथे पतिट्ठाय अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय योगो करणीयो। सो अपरेन समयेन लाभी चेव होति अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स लाभी च अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय।

    Tatra, bhikkhave, yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī hoti ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa na lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya, tena, bhikkhave, puggalena ajjhattaṁ cetosamathe patiṭṭhāya adhipaññādhammavipassanāya yogo karaṇīyo. So aparena samayena lābhī ceva hoti ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa lābhī ca adhipaññādhammavipassanāya.

    As for the person who has serenity but not discernment: grounded on serenity, they should practice meditation to get discernment. After some time they have both serenity and discernment.

    तत्र, भिक्खवे, य्वायं पुग्गलो लाभी अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय न लाभी अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स, तेन, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलेन अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय पतिट्ठाय अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथे योगो करणीयो। सो अपरेन समयेन लाभी चेव होति अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय लाभी च अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स।

    Tatra, bhikkhave, yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya na lābhī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa, tena, bhikkhave, puggalena adhipaññādhammavipassanāya patiṭṭhāya ajjhattaṁ cetosamathe yogo karaṇīyo. So aparena samayena lābhī ceva hoti adhipaññādhammavipassanāya lābhī ca ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa.

    As for the person who has discernment but not serenity: grounded on discernment, they should practice meditation to get serenity. After some time they have both discernment and serenity.

    तत्र, भिक्खवे, य्वायं पुग्गलो न चेव लाभी अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स न च लाभी अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय, तेन, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलेन तेसंयेव कुसलानं धम्मानं पटिलाभाय अधिमत्तो छन्दो च वायामो च उस्साहो च उस्सोळ्ही च अप्पटिवानी च सति च सम्पजञ्ञञ्च करणीयं। सेय्यथापि, भिक्खवे, आदित्तचेलो वा आदित्तसीसो वा तस्सेव चेलस्स वा सीसस्स वा निब्बापनाय अधिमत्तं छन्दञ्च वायामञ्च उस्साहञ्च उस्सोळ्हिञ्च अप्पटिवानिञ्च सतिञ्च सम्पजञ्ञञ्च करेय्य; एवमेवं खो, भिक्खवे, तेन पुग्गलेन तेसंयेव कुसलानं धम्मानं पटिलाभाय अधिमत्तो छन्दो च वायामो च उस्साहो च उस्सोळ्ही च अप्पटिवानी च सति च सम्पजञ्ञञ्च करणीयं। सो अपरेन समयेन लाभी चेव होति अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स लाभी च अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय।

    Tatra, bhikkhave, yvāyaṁ puggalo na ceva lābhī ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa na ca lābhī adhipaññādhammavipassanāya, tena, bhikkhave, puggalena tesaṁyeva kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭilābhāya adhimatto chando ca vāyāmo ca ussāho ca ussoḷhī ca appaṭivānī ca sati ca sampajaññañca karaṇīyaṁ. Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, ādittacelo vā ādittasīso vā tasseva celassa vā sīsassa vā nibbāpanāya adhimattaṁ chandañca vāyāmañca ussāhañca ussoḷhiñca appaṭivāniñca satiñca sampajaññañca kareyya; evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, tena puggalena tesaṁyeva kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭilābhāya adhimatto chando ca vāyāmo ca ussāho ca ussoḷhī ca appaṭivānī ca sati ca sampajaññañca karaṇīyaṁ. So aparena samayena lābhī ceva hoti ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa lābhī ca adhipaññādhammavipassanāya.

    As for the person who has neither serenity nor discernment: in order to get those skillful qualities, they should apply intense enthusiasm, effort, zeal, vigor, perseverance, mindfulness, and situational awareness. Suppose your clothes or head were on fire. In order to extinguish it, you’d apply intense enthusiasm, effort, zeal, vigor, perseverance, mindfulness, and situational awareness. In the same way, in order to get those skillful qualities, that person should apply intense enthusiasm … After some time they have both serenity and discernment.

    तत्र, भिक्खवे, य्वायं पुग्गलो लाभी चेव होति अज्झत्तं चेतोसमथस्स लाभी च अधिपञ्ञाधम्मविपस्सनाय, तेन, भिक्खवे, पुग्गलेन तेसुयेव कुसलेसु धम्मेसु पतिट्ठाय उत्तरि आसवानं खयाय योगो करणीयो।

    Tatra, bhikkhave, yvāyaṁ puggalo lābhī ceva hoti ajjhattaṁ cetosamathassa lābhī ca adhipaññādhammavipassanāya, tena, bhikkhave, puggalena tesuyeva kusalesu dhammesu patiṭṭhāya uttari āsavānaṁ khayāya yogo karaṇīyo.

    As for the person who has both serenity and discernment: grounded on those skillful qualities, they should practice meditation further to end the defilements.

    इमे खो, भिक्खवे, चत्तारो पुग्गला सन्तो संविज्जमाना लोकस्मिन्”ति।

    Ime kho, bhikkhave, cattāro puggalā santo saṁvijjamānā lokasmin”ti.

    These are the four people found in the world.”



    The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]

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