Tipiṭaka / Tipiṭaka (English) / Aṅguttara Nikāya, English translation |
අඞ්ගුත්තර නිකාය 3.90
Numbered Discourses 3.90
9. සමණවග්ග
9. Ascetics
Three Trainings (2nd)
“තිස්සෝ ඉමා, භික්ඛවේ, සික්ඛා. කතමා තිස්සෝ? අධිසීලසික්ඛා, අධිචිත්තසික්ඛා, අධිපඤ්ඤාසික්ඛා.
“Bhikkhus, these are the three trainings. What three? The training in the higher ethics, the higher mind, and the higher wisdom.
කතමා ච, භික්ඛවේ, අධිසීලසික්ඛා? ඉධ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛු සීලවා හෝති …පේ… සමාදාය සික්ඛති සික්ඛාපදේසු. අයං වුච්චති, භික්ඛවේ, අධිසීලසික්ඛා.
And what is the training in the higher ethics? It’s when a bhikkhu is ethical, restrained in the monastic code, conducting themselves well and seeking alms in suitable places. Seeing danger in the slightest fault, they keep the rules they’ve undertaken. This is called the training in the higher ethics.
කතමා ච, භික්ඛවේ, අධිචිත්තසික්ඛා? ඉධ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛු විවිච්චේව කාමේහි …පේ… චතුත්ථං ඣානං උපසම්පජ්ජ විහරති. අයං වුච්චති, භික්ඛවේ, අධිචිත්තසික්ඛා.
And what is the training in the higher mind? It’s when a bhikkhu, quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, enters and remains in the first jhāna … second jhāna … third jhāna … fourth jhāna. This is called the training in the higher mind.
කතමා ච, භික්ඛවේ, අධිපඤ්ඤාසික්ඛා? ඉධ, භික්ඛවේ, භික්ඛු ආසවානං ඛයා අනාසවං චේතෝවිමුත්තිං පඤ්ඤාවිමුත්තිං දිට්ඨේව ධම්මේ සයං අභිඤ්ඤා සච්ඡිකත්වා උපසම්පජ්ජ විහරති. අයං වුච්චති, භික්ඛවේ, අධිපඤ්ඤාසික්ඛා. ඉමා ඛෝ, භික්ඛවේ, තිස්සෝ සික්ඛාති.
And what is the training in the higher wisdom? It’s when a bhikkhu realizes the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life. And they live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements. This is called the training in the higher wisdom. These are the three trainings.
අධිසීලං අධිචිත්තං, අධිපඤ්ඤඤ්ච වීරියවා; ථාමවා ධිතිමා ඣායී, සතෝ ගුත්තින්ද්රියෝ චරේ.
The higher ethics, the higher mind, and the higher wisdom should be practiced by those energetic, steadfast, and resolute, practicing absorption, mindful, with guarded senses.
යථා පුරේ තථා පච්ඡා, යථා පච්ඡා තථා පුරේ; යථා අධෝ තථා උද්ධං, යථා උද්ධං තථා අධෝ.
As before, so after; as after, so before. As below, so above; as above, so below.
යථා දිවා තථා රත්තිං, යථා රත්තිං තථා දිවා; අභිභුය්ය දිසා සබ්බා, අප්පමාණසමාධිනා.
As by day, so by night; as by night, so by day. Having mastered every direction with limitless immersion,
තමාහු සේඛං පටිපදං, අථෝ සංසුද්ධචාරියං; තමාහු ලෝකේ සම්බුද්ධං, ධීරං පටිපදන්තගුං.
they call them a ‘trainee on the path’, and ‘one living a pure life’. But a wise one who has gone to the end of the path they call a ‘Buddha’ in the world.
විඤ්ඤාණස්ස නිරෝධේන, තණ්හාක්ඛයවිමුත්තිනෝ; පජ්ජෝතස්සේව නිබ්බානං, විමෝක්ඛෝ හෝති චේතසෝ”ති.
With the cessation of consciousness, freed by the ending of craving, the liberation of their heart is like a lamp going out.”
The authoritative text of the Aṅguttara Nikāya is the Pāli text. The English translation is provided as an aid to the study of the original Pāli text. [CREDITS »]