Health / Medical Topics

    Early Adolescence

    Definition 1

    A transitional time in an individual's life between childhood and adolescence. This phase marks the start of physical, physiological and psychological changes that characterize pubertal growth and development. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A human life stage that begins at twelve years of age and continues until eighteen complete years of age. This phase marks the start of physical, physiological and psychological changes that characterize pubertal growth and development. (NICHD)


    Early activation antigen CD69 (199 aa, ~23 kDa) is encoded by the human CD69 gene. This protein plays a role in signal…
    At or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events.
    A small preauricular skin tag.
    The skin of the organ responsible for detecting sound and establishing balance.
    A benign polypoid growth in the external or middle ear.
    Any component pertaining to the organ for hearing including the external, middle, and inner ear.

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