Library / English Dictionary


    Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

     I. (noun) 

    Sense 1




    family Troglodytidae; Troglodytidae

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting animals

    Hypernyms ("family Troglodytidae" is a kind of...):

    bird family (a family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings)

    Meronyms (members of "family Troglodytidae"):

    jenny wren; wren (any of several small active brown birds of the northern hemisphere with short upright tails; they feed on insects)

    genus Troglodytes; Troglodytes (type genus of the Troglodytidae)

    Cistothorus; genus Cistothorus (marsh wrens)

    genus Salpinctes; Salpinctes (a genus of Troglodytidae)

    genus Thryothorus; Thryothorus (Carolina wrens)

    Campylorhynchus; genus Campylorhynchus; genus Heleodytes; Heleodytes (alternative classifications for the cactus wrens)

    Holonyms ("family Troglodytidae" is a member of...):

    order Passeriformes; Passeriformes (largest order of birds comprising about half the known species; rooks; finches; sparrows; tits; warblers; robins; wrens; swallows; etc.; the four suborders are Eurylaimi and Tyranni and Menurae and Oscines or Passeres)


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