Library / English Dictionary


    Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

     I. (noun) 

    Sense 1


    A family of cycads often included in the family Cycadaceae: zamiasplay


    family Zamiaceae; zamia family; Zamiaceae

    Classified under:

    Nouns denoting plants

    Hypernyms ("family Zamiaceae" is a kind of...):

    gymnosperm family (a family of gymnosperms)

    Meronyms (members of "family Zamiaceae"):

    genus Zamia (genus of small evergreen tropical and subtropical American cycads)

    genus Ceratozamia (small genus of Mexican cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae)

    genus Dioon (small genus of arborescent cycads of Mexico and Central America; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae)

    genus Encephalartos (genus of arborescent African cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae)

    genus Macrozamia (genus of large evergreen Australian cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae)

    Holonyms ("family Zamiaceae" is a member of...):

    Cycadales; order Cycadales (primitive tropical gymnosperms abundant in the Mesozoic, now reduced to a few scattered tropical forms)


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