Health / Medical Topics



    Describes the use of a coated, thin, clear, glass or plastic fiber that can carry light and send information, including images. In medicine, flexible fiberoptic instruments are used to look inside the body. Fiberoptics are also used to deliver laser light to tumors injected with a type of drug that kills cancer cells when it is exposed to laser light. (NCI Dictionary)


    A device designed to assist in installation of fiberoptic cables.
    A light, with glass or plastic fibers which have special optical properties usually attached to a dental handpiece that is intended to…
    Fluorescent in situ hybridization performed on uncondensed DNA strands. Due to the extended nature of the target DNA this procedure provides…
    Any device made from a long, slender material.
    Chemistry concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of natural and manufactured fibrous materials.
    In food, fiber is the part of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains that cannot be digested. The fiber in food may…

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