Health / Medical Topics

    Freeman Sheldon Syndrome

    A rare syndrome that is inherited in an autosomal dominant or recessive pattern and caused by mutations in the MYH3 gene. It is a severe form of arthrogryposis. It is characterized by the presence of distinctive facial features (small mouth, midface hypoplasia, short nose, drooping of the eyelids, deep folds in the area between the nose and the lips, and strabismus), joint deformities that lead to permanently bent fingers and toes, club foot, scoliosis, and walking difficulties. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The shape does not have 3 or more distinct sides and is not one of the listed shapes. Examples include, but…
    A facility that provides medical care that can be safely performed without requiring inpatient hospital care.
    Cardiac catheterization laboratory that is not integrated with any other entity as a health care provider, a department of a provider, remote…
    The determination of the amount of free triiodothyronine present in a sample.
    The determination of the amount of free thyroxine present in a sample.
    A format that does not specify any text properties and does not require pre-established arrangement or organization of data.

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