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Gene Object
Gene objects are the effective portal to most of the genomic information provided by the caBIO data services; organs, diseases, chromosomes, pathways, sequence data, and expression experiments are among the many objects accessible via a gene. (caBIO) (NCI Thesaurus)
The result of any gain, loss or alteration of the sequences comprising a gene, including all sequences transcribed into RNA.
A variation in the nucleic acid sequence of a specific gene.
Determination of the relative positions of genes from non-human organisms on a DNA molecule (chromosome or plasmid) and of the distance, in…
Determination of the relative positions of human genes on a DNA molecule (chromosome or plasmid) and of the distance, in linkage units…
Determination of the relative positions of genes on a DNA molecule (chromosome or plasmid) and of the distance, in linkage units or…
Refers to the targeted disruption of a gene within its normal biological context. Utilized to examine the involvement of a gene…