Philosophy and Religion / J. C. Chatterji: Hindu Realism |
Jagadish Chandra Chatterji
Hindu Realism
B—The Synthetic Aspect
So far I have dealt with what I have called the analytic aspect of the Universe from the Creationist or Realist standpoint. In order to give a complete general outline of it, I shall now present the main doctrines which constitute the Synthetic aspect as taught in this Realistic system.
But, as stated before, the Synthetic aspect, in its broad outlines, is exactly the same in all the three standards and is not peculiar to the first.
Being common, the main Synthetic doctrines of the Realistic system have been treated by writers on the Sankhya and the Vedanta.
Moreover they follow almost as inevitable conclusions from what has been said before. I shall, therefore, just mention them now, giving an occasional argument here and there when it may seem necessary.