Health / Medical Topics |
Definition 1
A drug that reduces the risk of cancer cell growth by interfering with the cells' DNA. (NCI Dictionary)
Definition 2
An iodinated analog of deoxyuridine originally developed as a chemotherapeutic agent, but more commonly used as a treatment for conditions of herpes virus infection. Idoxuridine inhibits thymidylate phosphorylase and viral DNA polymerases. It is converted in vivo to its mono-, di-, and triphosphate forms and is incorporated into DNA by competition with thymidine. Once incorporated into DNA it creates a faulty template and disrupts viral replication. (NCI Thesaurus)

A drug that blocks the effects of estrogen.

An orally available hydroxyamidine and inhibitor of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1), with potential immunomodulating and antineoplastic activities. INCB024360 targets and binds to IDO1,…

An electrocardiographic finding of three or more consecutive complexes of ventricular origin with a rate less than a certain threshold (100 or…

A cell-based cancer vaccine composed of autologous dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with tumor-derived clonal immunoglobulin (Ig) with potential immunostimulatory and antineoplastic…

Unique, genetically controlled determinants present on antibodies whose specificity is limited to a single group of proteins (e.g., another antibody molecule or…

A condition characterized by focal DYSTONIA that progresses to involuntary spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the legs, trunk, arms, and…