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Intestinal Neoplasm
Definition 1
A benign or malignant neoplasm involving the small or large intestine. (NCI Thesaurus)
Definition 2
Tumors or cancer of the INTESTINES. (NLM, Medical Subject Headings)
A necrotic process involving the intestinal wall.
Bacteria and other organisms that live inside the intestines. They help digest food. Vitamins such as biotin and vitamin K are madeā¦
A morphologic finding indicating the replacement of part of the gastric mucosal epithelium with intestinal-type epithelium. Using immunohistochemical staining, gastric intestinalā¦
A finding indicating the replacement of part of the esophageal mucosal epithelium by intestinal-type epithelium.
A morphologic finding indicating the replacement of part of the columnar epithelium by intestinal-type epithelium.
A morphologic finding indicating the replacement of epithelial tissue outside the intestines by intestinal-type epithelium.