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Intestinal Stoma Leakage
Definition 1
Leakage of contents from the intestinal stoma. (NCI Thesaurus)
Definition 2
A finding of leakage of contents from an intestinal stoma (surgically created opening on the surface of the body). (NCI Thesaurus/CTCAE)
Obstruction of the intestines that is functional, not mechanical.
A rupture in the wall of the small or large intestine due to traumatic or pathologic processes.
An intestinal obstruction occurs when food or stool cannot move through the intestines. The obstruction can be complete or partial. There are…
A well differentiated, intermediate grade tumor with neuroendocrine differentiation that arises from the small or large intestine. The mitotic count is…
A well differentiated, low grade neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid tumor) that arises from the small or large intestine. The mitotic count is…
A well differentiated, low or intermediate grade tumor with neuroendocrine differentiation that arises from the small or large intestine.