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Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction Adverse Event
Defined in terms of ejection fraction, a good clinical indicator of ventricular systolic function. Normal ejection fraction is 0.50 or more (>50%). Left ventricular systolic dysfunction is generally defined as an ejection fraction equal to or less than 0.40 (<40%). (NCI Thesaurus)
The degree of impairment of the left cardiac ventricle to contract efficiently.
Obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract. It is caused by aortic valve, supravalvar, or subvalvar defects.
An uncommon congenital abnormality where the left ventricular myocardium fails to compact during embryonic development, leading to cardiomyopathy with a variable degree…
The left ventricular volume calculated as the difference between the epicardium delimited volume and the left ventricular chamber volume.
An electrocardiographic finding suggestive of a hypertrophied left ventricle, characterized by large QRS amplitudes, ST depression and T wave inversion.
An electrocardiographic finding suggestive of a hypertrophied left ventricle, characterized by large QRS amplitudes and secondary findings of left atrial enlargement, left…