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Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
A rare autosomal recessive immunodeficiency disorder caused by deficiency of CD18 expression. It is characterized by defects in neutrophil adhesion and bacterial infections. (NCI Thesaurus)
A type of blood cell that is made in the bone marrow and found in the blood and lymph tissue. Leukocytes are…
A drug used to treat several types of leukemias and lymphomas. It blocks cell growth by damaging the cell’s DNA and may…
A hematology test result that indicates the presence of an increased white blood cell count and increased neutrophil precursors resembling leukemia, in…
Leading to or causing leukemia.
The causation (or induction), development, and progression of a leukaemic disease.
A usually terminal event in the clinical course of lymphomas. The term indicates the presence of atypical, clonal (malignant) lymphocytes (lymphoma…