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Mean Ventricular Heart Rate
The average (mean) number of cycles of contraction and subsequent relaxation of the ventricles, usually expressed as beats per minute, obtained from a set of measurements of the ventricular rate. (NCI Thesaurus)
The mean value of the electrical current applied to an X-ray tube.
The average (mean) height (usually measured in mm) of the maximum deflection from baseline of the T wave (representing ventricular repolarization), obtained…
The average (mean) duration (time) from the onset of ventricular repolarization to the completion of ventricular repolarization (length of the T wave),…
The mean (average) direction (range -180 degrees to 180 degrees) of the electrical potential generated from ventricular repolarization in a particular plane…
The average (mean) "area under the curve" of the deflection from baseline of the T wave (representing ventricular repolarization), obtained from a…
The average length of time from either the date of diagnosis or the start of treatment for a disease, such as cancer,…