Health / Medical Topics

    Metabolic Process, Organismal

    A general physiologic process, usually associated with a specific organ or organ system, typically related to homeostasis and/or energy production. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Organic processes in a cell or organism that are necessary to sustain life. Cellular metabolism can be divided into two categories. Anabolism…
    An elaboration of the known steps and interactions for the metabolism of a compound.
    A group of rare inherited disorders characterized by a deficiency of enzymes that are involved in metabolic pathways that affect muscles. The…
    Specific metabolic changes that characterize an organism's state of health or disease, or response to a particular therapeutic intervention, and helps make…
    A mathematic formula used to estimate individual oxygen consumption, and thus energy expenditure, at rest and for various physical activities.
    Metabolism is the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. Food is made up of…

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