Health / Medical Topics

    MIA Gene

    This gene plays a role in melanoma cell proliferation. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Provider: MizMedi Hospital - Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. No information from provider. This cell line meets the criteria for the use…
    Treatment with the hormones estrogen and progesterone or with estrogen alone to help relieve symptoms of menopause. Symptoms may include hot flashes,…
    A question associated with the MHIS-NACC questionnaire.
    Modified Hachinski Ischemic Scale-NACC Version (MHIS-NACC) Sum all circled answers for a total score.
    Modified Hachinski Ischemic Scale-NACC Version (MHIS-NACC) Stepwise deterioration (re: cognitive status).
    Modified Hachinski Ischemic Scale-NACC Version (MHIS-NACC) Somatic complaints.

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