News / Science News

    Microbial diversity below the seafloor is as rich as on Earth's surface

    For the first time, researchers have mapped the biological diversity in marine sediment, one of Earth's largest global biomes. Although marine sediment covers 70% of Earth's surface, little was known about its global patterns of microbial diversity.

    A sediment core, frozen for microbiological analysis. DNA was extracted from the frozen core. Photo: JAMSTEC

    A team of researchers from the University of Rhode Island, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, the University of Hyogo, the University of Kochi and the University of Bremen found new answers.

    For the study, Tatsuhiko Hoshino, senior researcher at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and his colleagues, including University of Rhode Island scientist Steven D'Hondt, analyzed 299 samples of marine sediment collected as core samples from 40 sites around the globe.

    Their sample depths ranged from the seafloor to 678 meters (740 yards) below. To accurately determine the diversity of microbial communities, the authors extracted and sequenced DNA from each frozen sample under the same clean laboratory conditions.

    The scientists found that microbial community composition differs significantly between the organic-rich sediment of continental margins and the nutrient-poor sediment of the open ocean, and that the presence or absence of oxygen and the concentration of organic matter are major factors in determining community composition.

    By comparing their results to previous studies of topsoil and seawater, the researchers discovered that each of these three global biomes -- marine sediment, topsoil and seawater --has different microbial communities but similar total biodiversity.

    By combining the estimates of bacterial and archaeal diversity for the biomes, the scientists discovered that bacteria are far more diverse than archaea -- microbes distinct from bacteria and known for living in extreme environments.

    "Microbial diversity in the 'dark realm' of marine sediment resembles microbial diversity in the surface world," said D'Hondt. "It's exciting to glimpse the biological richness of this dark world." (National Science Foundation)

    NOVEMBER 5, 2020


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