Health / Medical Topics

    Microcystic Corneal Edema

    Corneal edema of inflammatory origin associated with contact lens wear and morphologically characterized by presence of epithelial microcysts. Microcysts are small (typically 10-50 microns in diameter), clear, irregularly shaped high refractive inclusions that form in the basal layers of the epithelium and move towards the anterior surface of the cornea, surrounding epithelial haze. The cause of microcytic edema is related to the physical presence of contact lenses and possibly a mechanical effect of lens wear. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A low grade adenocarcinoma with ductal differentiation, arising from the sweat glands. It presents as a scar usually in the face. It…
    A benign epithelial neoplasm characterized by a microcystic pattern. The cystic spaces are lined by small cuboidal cells without evidence of significant…
    A tiny cyst that is usually identified by microscopic examination in a tissue specimen.
    A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentration defined as a concentration of a radionuclide with an activity equal to one millionth of a…
    A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equal to activity of one microcurie of the sample with total mass of one…
    A unit of radioactivity equal to one millionth of a curie or 37 kilobecquerels, and corresponding to a radioactivity of 37 000…

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