Health / Medical Topics


    A method of roughening the surface of a natural tooth or a dental restoration, most likely the inside of a metal crown or the facial side of a metal crown to prepare it for repair, utilizing a gas-impelled jet of a fine abrasive. It enhances the attachment of resin cements or restorative materials to the surface. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A unit of relative amount of a substance equal to one millionth of an equivalent weight.
    The molecules and compounds such as nutrients and growth factors in the fluid surrounding a cell in an organism or in the…
    A required drug quantity that is less than 1/100th of a typical drug dosage. Despite the smaller quantity, microdrug administration still achieves…
    A laboratory method in which the tissue from a histology slide is dissected under a microscope to procure specific cells or cell…
    Thin layer deposition. Commonly used in integrated circuit fabrication.
    The determination of the number of microcytes in a blood sample.

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