Health / Medical Topics


    A congenital abnormality of the jaws (particularly the mandible) in which they are unusually small. This condition is not always pathological and may correct itself as the patient matures; however, it may also present as a birth defect in multiple syndromes. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A type of glial cell. Microglia are capable of phagocytosis and play an important role in a wide spectrum of neuropathologies. They…
    A multidisciplinary field comprising physics, chemistry, engineering and biotechnology that studies the behavior of fluids at volumes thousands of times smaller than…
    An instrument that uses very small amounts of fluid on a microchip to do certain laboratory tests. A microfluidic device may use…
    Bacteria and other organisms that live inside the intestines. They help digest food. Vitamins such as biotin and vitamin K are made…
    Structurally complex proteins that are comprised of microfilaments, which are necessary components of the cellular cytoskeleton for motility and shape. Microfilaments physically…
    A gene that encodes cytoskeletal microfilament proteins.

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