Health / Medical Topics


    A congenital abnormality characterized by the presence of abnormally small convolutions in the brain. It results in mental retardation. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The quantity of micrograms prescribed or delivered in three days.
    A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) per square meter per period of time equal to sixty seconds.
    A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) per square meter per period of time equal to sixty minutes.
    A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) per square meter per period of time equal to twenty-four hours.
    A metric unit of areal density equal to approximately 2.94935E-8 ounce per square yard. Also used as a dose calculation unit. …
    A metric unit of areal density equal to approximately 2.94935E-4 ounce per square yard. Also used as a dose calculation unit. …

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