Health / Medical Topics

    Microinvasive Carcinoma of the Mouse Prostate Gland

    Definition 1

    Conceptually the earliest forms of invasive carcinoma, with extension of malignant cells through basement membrane of HGPIN glands into surrounding thin rim of stroma. Can be difficult to distinguish from tangential sections of HGPIN glands, especially given the extensive nature of HGPIN in most models showing progression and the thin rim of stroma in mouse. Adjunctive methodologies may be warranted, especially in models not showing progression to more definitive and unequivocal invasive carcinoma. (NCI Thesaurus/MMHCC)

    Definition 2

    The concept of MI and being able to recognize it is important for helping define molecular alterations important for progression from HGPIN to invasive carcinoma. In human pathology, settings where this term is utilized may include prognostic implications; e.g., more favorable prognosis and minimal metastatic potential compared to greater extents of invasion. Size (in mm) or other criteria for extent of invasion are generally offered. Those in the mouse taxonomy are currently arbitrary, and the biologic significance of extent of invasion remains to be established. (NCI Thesaurus/MMHCC)


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