Health / Medical Topics

    Microinvasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    A squamous cell carcinoma with minimal stromal invasion. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Morphologically identical/similar to small cell carcinoma of human lung, prostate; less cytoplasm with more pronounced nuclear hyperchromasia and molding than in NE…
    Morphology includes solid and rosetting, with scant to moderate cytoplasm, nuclear features of NE carcinoma or with immunophenotypic documentation
    Conceptually the earliest forms of invasive carcinoma, with extension of malignant cells through basement membrane of HGPIN glands into surrounding thin rim…
    Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast with minimal stromal invasion. Lymph node involvement is uncommon and the prognosis is generally…
    Microinvasive carcinoma is the earliest recognizable form of invasive carcinoma, with penetration of malignant cells through the basement membrane into the surrounding…
    Exhibiting or pertaining to microinvasion, the microscopic extension of malignant cells into adjacent tissue in carcinoma in situ.

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