Health / Medical Topics

    Microliter per Milliliter

    A unit of volume fraction expressed as a number of microliters of the constituent per the volume of the system represented in milliliters. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A measure of volume for a liquid, using the metric system. One microliter is equal to a millionth of a liter. Also…
    Unit of catalytic activity concentration defined as activity equal to one millionth of katal per one liter of the system volume. …
    A unit of catalytic activity measurement equal to one millionth of katal (10E-6 katal).
    A squamous cell carcinoma with minimal stromal invasion.
    Morphologically identical/similar to small cell carcinoma of human lung, prostate; less cytoplasm with more pronounced nuclear hyperchromasia and molding than in NE…
    Morphology includes solid and rosetting, with scant to moderate cytoplasm, nuclear features of NE carcinoma or with immunophenotypic documentation

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