Health / Medical Topics

    Micromole per 24 Hours

    A unit of amount of substance flow rate equivalent to the rate at which one millionth of a mole of substance crosses a given surface or is delivered to a given object or space over a period of time equal to 24 hours. (NCI Thesaurus)


    The amount of a substance equal to a millionth of a mole (a measure of the amount of a substance). Also called…
    A concentration of 1/1,000,000 (one millionth) molecular weight per liter (mol/L).
    Small numbers of cancer cells that have spread from the primary tumor to other parts of the body and are too few…
    A dose calculation unit expressed in microliter(s) per nostril.
    A unit of volume fraction expressed as a number of microliters of the constituent per the volume of the system represented in…
    A measure of volume for a liquid, using the metric system. One microliter is equal to a millionth of a liter. Also…

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