Health / Medical Topics


    A flat dish with multiple individual wells that are arrayed in a standardized number, size, and arrangement. (NCI Thesaurus)


    A Yucatan or other pig breed that is bred specifically for its small size. The micropig weighs between 14-20kg at sexual…
    A congenital abnormality characterized by the presence of an abnormally small eye globe.
    Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (526 aa, ~59 kDa) is encoded by the human MITF gene. This protein is involved in the transcription of…
    A device designed to convert sound to an electrical signal.
    A dedicated PET scanner with a small diameter ring of detectors that bring these close to small animal subjects.
    A type of enzyme immunoassay that uses antigen-coated microparticles as a substrate for antibody binding.

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