Health / Medical Topics


    Mucin-16 (22152 aa, ~2353 kDa) is encoded by the human MUC16 gene. This protein may be involved in both cellular adhesion and the lubrication of mucosal surfaces. (NCI Thesaurus)


    An immunohistochemical technique used to detect the gene product of the MUC1 gene, using monoclonal antibodies directed against mucin-1 glycoprotein.
    Mucin-1 (1255 aa, ~122 kDa) is encoded by the human MUC1 gene. This protein plays a role in both signaling and cell…
    Mucin is expressed by most glandular epithelia. Tandem repeats characterize the core mucin protein, apomucin; variation of the protein derives from…
    A morphologic and histochemical finding indicating depletion of mucin in the glands.
    An albuminoid substance containing mucopolysaccharides and protein which is contained in mucus, and gives to the latter secretion its peculiar ropy…
    A thick, viscous plant cell product; the term is usually applied to plant gums. (DRI)

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