Health / Medical Topics

    Mucin-Producing Adenocarcinoma

    An invasive adenocarcinoma composed of malignant glandular cells which produce mucin. (NCI Thesaurus)


    Encoded by human Small Breast Epithelial Mucin Gene, 90-amino acid 9 kD Small Breast Epithelial Mucin is a putative low molecular weight…
    Precancerous dysplastic lesions depleted of mucin in the colonic mucosa of the mouse.
    Mucin-5AC (5030 aa, ~527 kDa) is encoded by the human MUC5AC gene. This protein plays a role in the defense of the…
    An immunohistochemical technique used to detect the gene product of the MUC2 gene, using monoclonal antibodies directed against mucin-2 glycoprotein.
    Mucin-16 (22152 aa, ~2353 kDa) is encoded by the human MUC16 gene. This protein may be involved in both cellular adhesion and…
    An immunohistochemical technique used to detect the gene product of the MUC1 gene, using monoclonal antibodies directed against mucin-1 glycoprotein.

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