Health / Medical Topics

    Mucinous Adenocarcinoma, Endocervical Type

    A mucinous adenocarcinoma characterized by the presence of malignant glandular cells which resemble the endocervical epithelium. (NCI Thesaurus)


    An invasive adenocarcinoma composed of malignant glandular cells which contain intracytoplasmic mucin. Often, the infiltrating glandular structures are associated with mucoid stromal…
    Containing or resembling mucin, the main compound in mucus.
    A protein/sugar compound made by some cancer cells.
    An intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma that produces abundant mucin.
    An invasive adenocarcinoma composed of malignant glandular cells which produce mucin.
    Encoded by human Small Breast Epithelial Mucin Gene, 90-amino acid 9 kD Small Breast Epithelial Mucin is a putative low molecular weight…

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