Health / Medical Topics

    Nasal Type Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma

    Definition 1

    An aggressive, predominantly extranodal, mature T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is characterized by an often angiocentric and angiodestructive cellular infiltrate composed of EBV positive NK/T cells. The nasal cavity is the most common site of involvement. Patients often present with midfacial destructive lesions (lethal midline granuloma). The disease may disseminate rapidly to various anatomic sites including the gastrointestinal tract, skin, testis, and cervical lymph nodes. It is also known as angiocentric T-cell lymphoma. The term "polymorphic reticulosis" has been widely used to describe the morphologic changes seen in this type of lymphoma. However, the latter term may also apply to lymphomatoid granulomatosis, which is an angiocentric and angiodestructive EBV positive B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder. (NCI Thesaurus)

    Definition 2

    A malignant lymphoid neoplasm composed of EBV-positive NK/T cells arranged in an angiocentric pattern. (NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)


    One of three (Inferior, Middle, Superior) paired bony shelves located within the nasal cavity through which inhaled air is taken into theā€¦
    A suspension intended for administration to the mucosa of the nose.
    A spray intended for administration to the mucosa of the nose.
    A solution intended for administration to the mucosa of the nose.
    The thin wall between the two nasal cavities.
    Administration of a drug by the way of the nose. This often results in systemic action of the agent due to absorptionā€¦

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