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NCI CTEP SDC AIDS-related Kaposi Sarcoma Sub-Category Terminology
AIDS-related Kaposi Sarcoma is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology. (NCI Thesaurus)
AIDS-related Human Papillomavirus is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding…
Adrenal Cancer is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that…
Acute Myeloid Leukemia is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding…
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding…
Criteria established for assigning high-frequency microsatellite instability (MSI-H) in cancers requiring that at least two of five markers (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346,…
A concept unique identifier within the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Service's NCI Thesaurus.